GIS Consultants Ltd is a technology-neutral consulting company focused on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). We help our clients in managing projects, managing spatial data and in developing or acquiring their GIS. We also do GIS-based study and analysis projects and help in drafting GIS strategies. We are often engaged in acquiring, processing, analysing and organising data.
We work with
- GIS analysis
- various studies
- web map services
- GIS strategies
- project manager to your GIS project
- expert to your GIS team
- GIS officer to support organising and maintaining your geographic data
- GIS expert to manage the GIS component of your project
Rather than being a solution provider we are focused in helping our clients in specifying and buying GIS solutions and managing GIS acquisition projects. These consulting services include support in writing requirements specifications, managing the tendering process, tender evaluation and supervision of the system implementation.
We help our clients in issues related to GIS development
- requirements specifications and feasibitily studies
- managing the call for tenders process
- supervision of implementation
- organisation of data collection and maintenance
Contact Details
Contact us at:
Paikkatietokonsultit Oy / GIS Consultants Ltd
Friisilantie 25
02240 Espoo
Tel: +358 40 560 3159 (Kari Mikkonen)
E- mail: